
  • Do you provide a choice of charities?

    No, you will only be able to make a donation to our charity partner. Their details will be prominently displayed for your reference as you pay. 

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  • I would like to make a charity donation without placing an order. How can I do this?

    We're sorry, that is not possible. You must purchase at least one product on our website or app to make the charity donation.

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  • What is a charity donation?

    This is a special feature that allows you to make a donation to our partner charities while placing your order. 

    Your charity donation will be made from the payment page - simply select the amount you want from the choices listed. It will be added to your total order value and then transferred to the charity oncec your order is placed. 

    Please note, the charity donation is completely voluntary and optional. 

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  • Can you transfer the amount in My Credit balance to my bank account?

    No, we're sorry, we will not be able to transfer the amount to your bank account, or give you the same amount in cash.

    Your My Credit balance can only be used to shop one of our brands online. 

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  • How can I pay for my order?

    We accept: 

    1. Credit and Debit Cards - Egypt-issued or International Visa or MasterCard Credit and Debit Cards.
    2. Cash on Delivery.
    3. My Credit.
    4. Shukrans - All you need is a minimum balance of 200 Shukrans. Use the Shukran slider at Checkout to calculate your discount.

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  • Can I place an order online without a Credit or Debit Card?

    Yes, you can. Choose the Cash on Delivery option when you place your order, and pay by cash when it is delivered. 

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